Elevation Contours, 10m - Palau


10m elevation contours for Palau.


Name Format Description Link
0 This URL provides access to this dataset via GeoServer, which offers multiple output formats and an OpenLayers viewer. http://geo.pacioos.hawaii.edu/geoserver/
0 This URL provides a viewer for this dataset. http://geo.pacioos.hawaii.edu/geoexplorer/
0 http://palau.chm-cbd.net/palaris-land-and-resources-gis/about-office/office-palau-automated-land-and-resource
27 http://pacioos.org
0 http://palau.chm-cbd.net/palaris-land-and-resources-gis/about-office/office-palau-automated-land-and-resource
0 http://palau.chm-cbd.net/palaris-land-and-resources-gis/about-office/office-palau-automated-land-and-resource
27 http://pacioos.org
51 Open Geospatial Consortium Web Feature Service (WFS). Supported WFS versions include 1.0.0, 1.1.0, and 2.0.0. Supported output formats include CSV, GeoJSON, GeoJSON-P, GML, KML, and Shapefile (Zipped). http://geo.pacioos.hawaii.edu/geoserver/PACIOOS/pw_plrs_all_cont_10m/ows?service=WFS&version=1.0.0&request=GetCapabilities
0 http://palau.chm-cbd.net/palaris-land-and-resources-gis/about-office/office-palau-automated-land-and-resource
27 http://pacioos.org
52 Open Geospatial Consortium Web Map Service (WMS). Supported WMS versions include 1.1.1 and 1.3.0. Supported map formats include AtomPub, GeoRSS, GeoTIFF, GIF, JPEG, KML/KMZ, PDF, PNG, SVG, and TIFF. Supported info formats include GeoJSON, GeoJSON-P, GML, HTML, and plain text. http://geo.pacioos.hawaii.edu/geoserver/PACIOOS/pw_plrs_all_cont_10m/ows?service=WMS&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities


  • topography
  • western pacific ocean
  • land surface
  • terrain elevation
  • pacioos
  • pacific islands ocean observing system
  • earth science
  • ocean
  • contour maps
  • micronesia
  • pacific ocean
  • palau

