COVID-19 County Level Data - Archive


Covid-19 Daily metrics at the county level As of 6/1/2023, this data set is no longer being updated. The COVID-19 Data Report is posted on the Open Data Portal every day at 3pm. The report uses data from multiple sources, including external partners; if data from external partners are not received by 3pm, they are not available for inclusion in the report and will not be displayed. Data that are received after 3pm will still be incorporated and published in the next report update. The cumulative number of COVID-19 cases (cumulative_cases) includes all cases of COVID-19 that have ever been reported to DPH. The cumulative number of COVID_19 cases in the last 7 days (cases_7days) only includes cases where the specimen collection date is within the past 7 days. While most cases are reported to DPH within 48 hours of specimen collection, there are a small number of cases that routinely are delayed, and will have specimen collection dates that fall outside of the rolling 7 day reporting window. Additionally, reporting entities may submit correction files to contribute historic data during initial onboarding or to address data quality issues; while this is rare, these correction files may cause a large amount of data from outside of the current reporting window to be uploaded in a single day; this would result in the change in cumulative_cases being much larger than the value of cases_7days. On June 4, 2020, the US Department of Health and Human Services issued guidance requiring the reporting of positive and negative test results for SARS-CoV-2; this guidance expired with the end of the federal PHE on 5/11/2023, and negative SARS-CoV-2 results were removed from the List of Reportable Laboratory Findings. DPH will no longer be reporting metrics that were dependent on the collection of negative test results, specifically total tests performed or percent positivity. Positive antigen and PCR/NAAT results will continue to be reportable.


Name Format Description Link


  • covid-archive
  • covid-19
  • covid-epi-data


  • Local Government
